I have invited you to let me tell you about Tom, my amazing friend of the feline specie. Love for the feline specie comes from the story of Peter Rabbit and Mr. Mcgregor wherein the white tabby is grooming herself by a pool of water. Later I collected insects and rocks growing up to becoming a chemist with a major oil company and later a college chemistry instruc-tor. Moving to other cities, family, etc. I lost contact with that field. Among other things, I have performed as a singer, speaker, museum docent, book recorder, newspaper reader for the blind; worked to establish a lighting business and got a mas-ters degree in radio/tv production and performance. My latest work is writing popular fiction, novels. I will try to entertain with stories about Tom and what I've learned about cats.


This is for all of you who love cats, who live with one, or more,. It is also for those of you who value friendship and enjoy the company of others. I welcome you into my life, about my cat and me. It may be we have other like interests and special loves than cats and friendship, be-cause I like to share, at times, some special insights, or some degree of enlightenment that may spring upon me. So, please join me for a little part of your day.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Defeating Tom's little games

It has been a while since the last news of Tom, the common tabby but a noble cat.  Getting rid of weeds has taken so much time.  The last week Tom has not been as noble as before.  He had been very cooperative, speaking when he wanted something and sitting by the door when he wanted out.
For about a week now he has reverted to psychological games.  Before this Tom, I didn't know
many games cats play.  This one likes to challenge me to stay in when it is his time to go out in the evening -- just about dark.  He had been lying in one of his favorite spots in the house.  I would tell him it was time to go out and play, enjoy the fresh evening air, etc.  He most often got up and went to the kitchen to have another go at his dinner to finish it.  That is, until he caught me off guard and fled out of sight.  Then a time or two, I found him either upstairs or in another of his reclining spots.  I spoke kindly, took him by the forepaws, and walked him on his hindlegs to the door, opened it, and usually he went right out. 
But last night while I watched an old not seen Steve McQueen move, Bullitt, on TV, Tom hid under the king sized bed, too wide and low for me to reach him.  I didn't want to go through the chase and return, so I closed the doors to the room but left it loose enough for his paw to open it.  At my bedtime I heard no sounds of protest, so I went to sleep in another room. 
Something touched my fingertip.  I jerked it away, but then again a wet lick to the fingertip.  I realized it was Tom intending to wake me.  I spoke.  He marched to his feed dish.  I let him finish up the cat meat and then marched him to the door on two legs.  That was pretty clever of me, because he can't then double up his hind parts to kick and scratch, but has to step and slide along, until I get him to and through the door.  Afterward, I looked at the clock.  It was 12:15 am.  Went back to sleep until 9:oo this morning.  It felt great.

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