I have invited you to let me tell you about Tom, my amazing friend of the feline specie. Love for the feline specie comes from the story of Peter Rabbit and Mr. Mcgregor wherein the white tabby is grooming herself by a pool of water. Later I collected insects and rocks growing up to becoming a chemist with a major oil company and later a college chemistry instruc-tor. Moving to other cities, family, etc. I lost contact with that field. Among other things, I have performed as a singer, speaker, museum docent, book recorder, newspaper reader for the blind; worked to establish a lighting business and got a mas-ters degree in radio/tv production and performance. My latest work is writing popular fiction, novels. I will try to entertain with stories about Tom and what I've learned about cats.


This is for all of you who love cats, who live with one, or more,. It is also for those of you who value friendship and enjoy the company of others. I welcome you into my life, about my cat and me. It may be we have other like interests and special loves than cats and friendship, be-cause I like to share, at times, some special insights, or some degree of enlightenment that may spring upon me. So, please join me for a little part of your day.

Monday, February 16, 2015

My Day, by Tom, the Noble Cat

You know what you do on a day loaded down with snow outside.  but do you know what I, Tom, makes of such a day?  I looked outside as soon as my owner let me out of the little room I sleep in when It's not fit to be out all night.  I kept looking in at the door when she began turning off the lights in the house.  She knew it was cold, so she opened the door for me.  My fur was damp with a mist, and the temp was freezing.  So I was allowed to be in the warm house.  We found the garage too cold when I pushed open the door into the garage to hit the switch and turn off the front yard light.  Of course, I have to make sure she does this every morning. 

I grew up in Texas where there was no snow.  Since I have lived in Oklahoma, about four or five years, I think, I have seen quite a lot of snow.  I can smell it, and it doesn't appeal to me.  I looked out at it this morning and didn't even ask to be let out.  I simply curled up on the chair by the glass door and went into snooze mode.  There wasn't even a patch of sunshine in the house that I could find to lie down in. 

I heard the signal when my owner turned on her computer and came in directly to see that she is working.  I made sure by stepping from a nearby chair into her lap.  She didn't pay enough attention to me, so I jumped off her lap and stayed on the floor in her office.  She is spending more time working at the computer these days, because I make sure she attends to her business of writing novels and editing them, until they are fit to read by people she doesn't know.

You know, I am a hard working cat and keep everything shaped up here on my property.  A good life must be established on a good routine which makes for my satisfaction in life.  All this is despite the fact that she, my owner, makes me get off her bed pillows and won't let me stay on a soft fur-like
piece of cover that seems to appear on extra cold days.  Humans always ought to have a soft blanket for us cats and, now that I think of it, a piece of scratch fiber.  Otherwise, they deserve what they get when we stretch out our claws on the backs of their cloth covered chairs.

I am now tired of all this writing.  I am going to let my owner do it from now on, because I am going to be too busy fulfilling my time being the King of the Cats.   

Tom (a common tabby, huh!) but the Noble Cat.